Proyectos europeos sobre hidromorfología

Socios del proyecto “Capacity building on water quality monitoring” (Twinning project TR 09 IB EN 03) en consorcio con Holanda y Francia (2011-2012)

On the road to accession to the European Union, Turkey wants to develop river basin management plans for its twenty five river basins. Therefore a lot of data on the chemical, biological and hydro-morphological status of the surface water bodies in its river basins are needed. This Twinning project will contribute to that objective by making a national monitoring plan for Turkey as well as monitoring plans for the basins of Meric-Ergene, Susurluk, Akarcay, Sakarya, Buyuk Menderes and Konya. In the longer run it will allow Turkey to make river basin management plans for its twenty five river basins and execution of these plans will lead to the good water status.

Coordinación del grupo de trabajo sobre integración de la política de aguas en la red Natura 2000 de Polonia

Coordinación dentro del proyecto europeo Twinning "Communication, public awareness and capacity building for the EU Natura 2000 ecological network" (2008-2009).

Participación en la Acción COST 350 “Integrated assessment of environmental impact of traffic and transport infrastructure” (2001-2006)

The main objective of the Action was to establish a concept integrating at regional scale all the environmental aspects of traffic and land-transport infrastructure in relation to the decision-making process in order to assist policy-makers at an earlier stage of their decision-making process.

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